
Joint Service with St Chad’s.
This Sunday 23 February we will be holding a joint service at St Chad’s, Hunter Street, Burton DE14 2SS. You are most welcome to join us at 10:00am. There will be no streamed service this week.

St Mary’s Stretton 16 February 2025 in church and online at 09.55.
https://linktr.ee/stchadstmary for quick links to ALL our recent services, media content, news and more.

Our Safeguarding Officer is Janet Royall, who can be contacted on 01283547857. Email janetroyall@yahoo.co.uk
Read our Safeguarding Policy

St Chad’s Community Centre contact or bookings can now be made by email to stchadscommittee@gmail.com

Roof repaired at St Mary’sRead more.

This year all Church of England churches have to do a full revision of their Electoral Roll (ER), in advance of their annual meetings (APCMs).  What does this mean for you?
Regardless of whether your name is on the existing roll or not, if you wish your name to be on the new roll you must complete a fresh application form, and have it back with me before Wednesday 2 April.
Copies of the Electoral Roll forms are at the back of St Chad’s and St Mary’s churches. Alternatively message parishoffice@stchadstmary.org.uk and we’ll email you a copy.  Once completed, please leave them on the welcome table at St Chad’s or Kas’ basket on the mobile bookcase at St Mary’s, before the 2 April deadline.