Our Main Sunday service at St. Mary’s is at 10:00.
The music is led by a worship band including a singing group, with Holy Communion each week. The preaching and teaching tends to be interactive, geared for all ages including families and uses a mixture of visual material, as well as the more familiar ways of Biblical teaching.
Why not join us at our next one and see for yourself what it is all about.
Another opportunity is our Midweek Holy Communion service on alternate Wednesday mornings at 10:30.
We also have an occasional Sunday evening Praise service at 19:00 for more extended times of worship and teaching and activation in the spiritual gifts of prophecy and healing. Check our Forthcoming Events panel on the right for the dates.We always welcome visitors to our services. The baptism of children usually takes place within our main service. The children will be invited to join together for their own fun during the service with activities just for them.
At the end of the service, in the side chapel, there is opportunity to respond to the message where help is offered through a ‘ministry’ team who offer prayer for healing and other needs.
Changes and variations – The above pattern may change from time to time so please also check our News and Diary page and our Events and Services Diary
(This page appears in a separate window in Google Calendar – select the view you want – Agenda suggested).
Music at St. Mary’s
The style of the accompanying worship music is dependent on the service, which may use a mixture of an electronic organ and a singing group, or a worship group using various instruments such as guitars, drums, keyboard, electronic organ, etc. The music group is an integral part of a service and, like the majority of people who participate in a service, consists of people who freely give their time to use their talents for the glory of God.
The people who work on the sound desk and the digital projector are another example of those who freely give their time as they help to control and maintain a visual and audible quality which improves the overall worshipful experience of a service.